Utilizing Sencha Touch Cross Platform HTML5 Mobile Application

It is challenging to develop mobile application for different platforms. It the code is originally written for windows mobile using Silverlight this technology may not work on any other smart phones or tablet it gets limited to windows version of mobile family. So if we would like use this code and meet the requirements for iphone or ipad this code has to be rewritten using xcode or objective C the mobile competitive language and other tools used for developing mobile application for iOS devices. Many developers have come to an end as they would like to focus on a fastidious mobile platform, such as the iPhone, Windows 7 or Android.  And other developers have comprehended to a point of taking an advantage of the present skill sets, if it is HTML, CSS and JavaScript, or actual programming languages such as C or C++. Others have begun to realize that there are already many development tools which allow them to take advantage of their current skill sets, whether it is HTML, CSS and JavaScript, or actual programming languages such as C or C++.

The framework supports touch events: not only simple touch events, but also irregular events like double tap, swipe, pinch and rotate. This tolerates for interactions previously only seen in native applications. It has many of the standard components that you would expect in a mobile application framework either native or otherwise.

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