iPhone Autocorrect Bar


If you are an Android User, and recently shifted to iPhone – you must be missing the AutoCorrect bar. The iPhone AutoCorrect bar shows you a number of word choices, instead of correcting a word after the other. The iPhone 4S does a good job of picking the correct word even with multiple misspellings, but this bar is a good way to pick the second most likely word, which is the one the user wants really.

1.       Download iBackupBot
2.       Backup your iPhone/iPod in iTunes
3.       Open iBackupBot and find the backup, then load it
4.       FindLibrary/Preferences/com.apple.keyboard.plist and open this file.
5.       Add the following code: <key>KeyboardAutocorrectionLists</key><string>YES</string>
6.       Save your modifications, and then restore from backup from within iBackupBot

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